Traditional | Religious
Held in a religious venue, hosted by both sets of parents
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Sheridan Cronin Smith
Philip Joseph Lee
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee
Saturday, the sixteenth of June
two thousand eighteen
at two o’clock in the afternoon
Old South Church
Boston, Massachusetts
Traditional | Secular
Held in a secular location, hosted by both sets of parents
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald
And Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their children
Eleanor Mae
Andrew John
Saturday, August sixth
two thousand twenty-two
at six o’clock in the evening
Museum of Fine Arts
Boston, Massachusetts
Traditional | Religious
Held in a religious venue, hosted by both sets of parents
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Sheridan Cronin Smith
Philip Joseph Lee
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee
Saturday, the sixteenth of June
two thousand eighteen
at two o’clock in the afternoon
Old South Church
Boston, Massachusetts
Traditional | Religious
Held in a religious venue, hosted by the bride's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Sheridan Cronin
Philip Lee
Saturday, the sixteenth of June
two thousand eighteen
at two o’clock in the afternoon
Saint Cecilia Parish
Boston, Massachusetts
Traditional | Secular
Held in a secular location, hosted by the bride's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Higgins
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their daughter
Julia Higgins
David Kerr
the twenty-third of August
two thousand eighteen
six in the evening
Tavern on the Green
Central Park | New York
Casual | Informal
Held in a casual location, hosted by the bride's
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their daughter
April 7th, 2018
Columbus Park Refectory
Chicago, Illinois
5:30 PM
Traditional | Religious
Held in a religious venue, hosted by the couple
Alexia Clarkson
Thomas Smith
request the honour of your presence
at the celebration of their marriage
Saturday, the fifth of August
two thousand eighteen
at five o’clock in the evening
Our Lady of Grace
Harwich, Massachusetts
Traditional | Secular
Held in a secular location, hosted by the couple
Georgia Mann and Tucker Robert
request the pleasure of your company
at the celebration of their marriage
Saturday, August twenty-fifth
Two thousand eighteen
seven o’clock
The Four Seasons Hotel
Miami, Florida
Dinner and dancing to follow
Casual | Informal
Held in a casual location, hosted by the couple
Abigail Reed + Thomas Healey
request the pleasure of your company
at their wedding celebration
Saturday, the fifth of May, twenty eighteen
six in the evening
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
Boothbay, Maine
Traditional | Religious
Held in a religious venue, hosted by both families and the couple
Together with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. George Mullen
Elise Margaret Smith
Thomas Reed Mullen
request the honour of your presence
at the celebration of their marriage
Saturday, the twenty-sixth of May
Two thousand eighteen
at six o’clock in the evening
Our Lady of Grace
Harwich, Massachusetts
Traditional | Secular
Held in a secular location, hosted by both families and the couple
Together with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald
And Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan
Stella Marie
Andrew John
request the pleasure of your company
at the celebration of their marriage
September 8th, 2018
at five o’clock in the evening
Miami EDITION, Miami Beach
Reception to follow
Casual | Informal
Held in a casual location, hosted by both families and the couple
Together with their parents
Abigail Lee
Thomas Healey
joyfully invite you to join
their wedding celebration
September 28th, 2018
at five o’clock
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
Boothbay, Maine
Reception to follow
Divorced Parents
Formal and/or traditional weddings being held in a church and hosted by the divorced parents of the bride (include parents’ names on separate lines)
Ms. Margaret Bell
Mr. David Murphy
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Eleanor Mae
Jared Robert
August twenty-first, twenty eighteen
at five o’clock in the afternoon
Castle Hill on the Crane Estate
Ipswich, Massachusetts
Reception to follow
Remarried Parents
You can use a similar format when one parent has remarried
Ms. Mallory Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Lindsay Anne
Theron Joseph
Saturday, the tenth of June
two thousand and eighteen
at five o’clock in the evening
Saints Peter and Paul
San Francisco, California
Reception to follow